Sunday, October 14, 2007

Thought some of you out there might enjoy seeing a few photos from one of Benita's favorite hobbies...birding. As most people know this time of year many birds migrate to warmer weather. What you may not know is that every year right here in our area is one of the best locations in the U.S. to observe the migration of tens of thousands of hawks, eagles, falcons, and other birds of prey. Birds migrating from Canada refuse to cross over Lake Erie as they travel from the North. So when they reach the north shore they funnel along the shore until they reach the Detroit river. Lake Erie Metropark is found here at the mouth of the river where the birds decide to venture across the water looking for the next warm air thermal over land to give them lift.

These thermals do not form over the water and thus the raptors refuse to cross over the broad expanse of lake water and thus find this narrow place to cross.

It is amazing to watch the whole process. Benita was so excited on Friday because she had her camera(just a normal Sony digital...not a camera with a foot long photo lense like some birders own) The turkey vultures were coming over low enough to actually get a few shots. The groups ranged from 30 or 40 to other groups that were 160 to 200. The pictures aren't the best but they show some groups 'streaming' and others 'kettleing'. They will swirl into a kettle and ride up the warm thermals like escalator. Then they peel off a few at a time and glide or stream to the next thermal they find to give them another lift. In this way, the migrants can glide for miles without burning up energy.

On Friday there were over 4,000 turkey vultures counted in just that one day! The season average is 24,000. You think that sounds like a lot???the broad-winged hawk season average is 227,500! They are smaller than turkey vultures so it is doubtful that our camera will ever be able to get a picture of them.

Hope your not totally bored....but birding is really very exciting. To think God created so many various birds with such amazing abilities...and if He takes care of each of them, how much more does He care for you and me.....the ones He created in His own image.

What a mighty, loving God we serve.